Our Story

Hi, our names are Shailesh and Kamlesh Patel, and we run That Cleaning Place! Our story begins when we left behind everything familiar in our homeland, India, and ventured to the United States with hopes and dreams of a better future. The early days were challenging, we faced many obstacles, from the language barrier to financial struggles. We first got our start by working at a local dry cleaner. But soon realized the potential it held and the opportunity to serve our community while making an honest living. It wasn't an easy decision; we knew it would require countless hours of hard work, determination, and sacrifices. But we were prepared to give it our all. 

With limited resources but a lot of determination, we found a small storefront and transformed it into our humble dry cleaners in 1996 with the help our family. And slowly, as days turned into weeks and weeks into months, we began to witness a transformation. Word started to spread about our meticulous work and genuine care for our customers. Our commitment to quality and attention to detail resonated with the community, and they began to trust us with their cherished garments. As we built relationships with our customers, we learned about their lives, their triumphs, and their struggles. Their stories touched our hearts and inspired us to go above and beyond. We treated every garment with utmost care, not just as a piece of fabric but as a symbol of someone's memories, their milestones, and their identity. 

Time flew by, and before we knew it, more than two decades had passed since we first opened our doors. We have survived throughout many hardships and the pandemic all thanks to you, our community. We value the community that has kept us going and can not thank you enough for supporting us throughout the years!